feeling better!!! July 6, 2013

Thank God for pain meds!!  i am feeling like a normal person again!  this week has been a 'pain in the back'... literally!  back spasms constantly no matter what position i tried.  a trip to the UICH Internal Med Accute Care clinic Friday fixed it...  i'm on the road to 'calming down' my back...  
except the 2 days i didn't go out and put plastic bags over my daylilies proved disasterous!  the 'dear' came and had their midnite snack on my daylilies w/o my invitation!  i just couldn't move, let alone bend over, to go out.  but i rationalize that all they got were a few buds... the roots are intact so there is always next year!!
(pic of daylilies eaten off)

i received two thank you cards yesterday (friday) at St.Mary's office from recipients of my prayer shawls!!  one lady's husband had coded and Father John was expecting the worst.  Sister Agnes took a prayer shawl to him that i had just taken to the office as his wife said that he was cold from having had his body temp lowered to help his heart.  it helped in their 'warming up' process.  his wife wrote that he had experienced a 'miracle'!!!  he was back in a regular room and doing much better!!!  God's Blessings on them...

God Bless...

^)^ linda

ps: i WILL keep on knitting prayer shawls!!!


  1. PS... you mention that you've been having some back pain. I'm sorry to hear it. Good thing for meds that help deal with the pain. I know how debilitating it can be; I've been dealing with some pain in my own neck, arms and back.

    I wanted to mention that I've been getting some tissue massage treatments, no meds, and I've noticed a considerable change in things for me. I didn't realize how seized up my muscles were from years of use and overuse, past injuries and stress.

    Maybe that would be something to consider too. Just saying...

    1. thank you, brenda!! i will definitely consider it. i've been doing my back exercises almost everyday (instructions said 3x week) and taking ibruprofen & tylenol like the dr told me. seems to be getting better everyday. i thought i was going to be a 'basket-case'... i don't have a high tolerance for pain so spasms were new to me! but prayers asking God to help my back helped too!! the next day was much better!!!
      thanks for visiting! i love your new blog!


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